First of all I would like to thank Tony & Jen for taking time out of their busy schedule to meet with me, and on a Saturday at lunchtime! It's only when you talk to these two that you understand the years of hard work, sacrifice and love that they have put in to create this innovative, fun and educational cafe!

Built on the ethos of a healthier approach to food these two young people have created a cafe where you dont need to worry about calorie counting, or over indulging because they have taken care of all the guess work for you! At Tony & Jens each dish has been specifically and scientifically thought out, each ingredient has been given careful consideration, each accompaniment has been went through the gears and this is most definiltely evident in the final product! Even the interior of the Cafe with it's exposed brickwork, reclaimed and hand crafted tables and local art represent these two and their vision, of pure, raw, tasty food!
When you go, and you really must, please take the time to talk to Tony, his knowledge of food, nutrition and health really will astound you! I spent 45 minutes with him and could have stayed for 2-3 hours, his passion and understanding shone through and this is reflected in the cafe.
Jen for me is the driving force, the artist of the pair, she reminded me of a scientist (an attractive one) who enjoys tinkering with dishes, exploring alternatives and creating dishes that not only nourish you but leave you wanting more! The two of them work well together, which is good as they also live together! (I suspect good looking kids)
While there I also took time to part-take in one of my favourite activities - eating!
I had the Egg O'Muffin , Laurie had The Overnight Oats with banana & Choclate and we both enjoyed Cappuccinos (see pictures and drool)
Please take the time to read the Q&A they were so kind to do with me! And please go and try this place!!