I was recently lucky enough to be invited up to Daniel's at Tweedies to experience their Italian Cookery School. An invite from In The Spotlight Media saw me travel to Parkgate, just outside of Ballyclare for a different type of dining experience. As Laurie was at the new 50 Shades of Grey movie Ma Hogan got to tag along, mother son bonding at its finest, ohh the joys - only joking she's a wee star.
11 Main Street
BT39 0DG
02894 439 775
So the cookery school gives you a chance to see a Michelin trained chef in action - when you first arrive at Daniel's at Tweedies you are met with the most amazing dining room, think of a converted style barn with a modern twist, tall beams, intimate lighting and local art set the scene. Daniel Harvey, a young and very passionate chef will introduce himself and invite you into his kitchen. I was excited about this, I'd never really been in a professional kitchen before. It was fascinating watching a professional chef at work, the ease that he worked at, the organisation of his ingredients and the calmness he had was everything that I am not in the kitchen. I'm .
more of a Tasmanian devil who can use a blender and cook a decent steak.
Daniel introduced each dish before taking us on a short journey of how to make each one, he showed us some tricks of the trade, passed on some tips he had picked up and engaged with us at all time, whether this be asking us questions, letting us taste the food or explaining the equipment being used, I almost felt like I was helping to flavour the dishes,
So what did we try? Well up first up we actually started with the dessert, raspberry panna cotta - we firstly watched how this was made and discussed that beef gelatin was the essential component as that allowed the dessert to set! Next up was our starter; a braised beef check ravioli, we watched the fresh pasta being made, we even got a go at using the pasta machine which was great fun. After watching Daniel create the dish we then sat down at our banquet table and our first course was served - immediately I could tell the difference between fresh pasta and shop bought, the texture was different, the taste was more delicate and paired with the braised beef check the dish was outstanding. There was a subtle sauce added to the dish,a simple red wine jus just to make it even more appetising.
So after devouring this we returned to the kitchen, and this time we were shown, step by step; how to make authentic Pasta Carbonara - after all it was an Italian Cookery Class so a Carbonara was a must - 2 eggs yolks, a slice of Parmesan and lots of cracked black pepper , along with some freshly made tagliatelle and bacon were all the ingredients needed to make this dish - served with shavings of Parmesan this went down like a treat. Tasty, most definitely moreish and definitely authentic Daniel taught us that cream has no place in an authentic Italian Carbonara and I certainly didn't miss it. In a work SCRUMPTIOUS!
So there you have it, add in a beautiful Panna Cotta that had just set, a few glasses of wine and you really do have a wonderful night out - a great date idea, a perfect birthday present or just a fun night out! I urge you all to go here, the short trip Parkgate is well worth it. On a final note, the staff on the night were young and attentive, much like their head chef they showed passion for their jobs and that was most definitely felt at Daniel's at Tweedies.
I'll be back soon